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SO flange

SO flange

Product description: SO flange is a kind of flange, mainly made of carbon steel and stainless steel. Flat welding flange is divided into plate type flat welding flange and neck type flat welding flange....
TEL: +86-18303170017

SO flange is a kind of flange, mainly made of carbon steel and stainless steel. Flat welding flange is divided into plate type flat welding flange and neck type flat welding flange

SO flange, also known as plate flat welding flange, plate flange, and lap welding flange, is to directly insert the pipe into the flange plate for welding. In general, the inner diameter of small diameter flange is 1-1.5mm larger than that of pipe. Such clearance is reserved for proper adjustment during installation. The clearance of large diameter flange will be larger

For the connection between SO flange and pipe, the pipe shall be inserted into the inner hole of the flange to a proper position, and then lapped. Flat welding flange is applicable to the pipeline system with low pressure rating and low pressure fluctuation, vibration and shock

The SO flange is mainly used for the connection of two pipe fittings. First insert the pipe fittings into the internal control of the flange, adjust them to the proper position, and then weld them. The sealing effect of flange depends on the application of flange gasket, and it is fixed with bolts. In order to prevent the flange from deforming under the action of bolts, the inner wall of the flange is generally thickened during manufacturing, so the weight of the whole equipment will be relatively large. Therefore, the flat welding flange discards the use of general gaskets, but increases the design of sealing ring, which not only improves the sealing performance, Moreover, the weight of the whole device is reduced, and the application is more convenient

Features of SO flange

1. The design of flat welding flange is space saving, light in weight, and easy to install and operate

2. Because of the special sealing ring used for this flange, the sealing effect is relatively ideal

3. Because the use of sealing ring reduces the use of bolts, the pressure on flat welding flange is reduced, so it is not easy to deform, and the service life is relatively long

SO flange classification

1. The flat welding flanges applied to vessels are divided into Type A flat welding flanges and Type B flat welding flanges

2. It can be divided into steel pipe flange and neck steel pipe flange according to different application ways

Specification and standard of flat welding flange

1. Outer diameter of pipe: 14-529mm

2. Outer diameter of flange: 90-730mm

3. Diameter of bolt hole center circle: 60-660mm

4. Flange thickness: 16-52mm

5. Bolt hole diameter: 14-41mm

6. Number of bolts: 4-10

7. Theoretical weight of flange: 0.634-67.3kg

Differences between flat welding flange and butt welding flange

2. The flat welding flange can withstand less pressure and is prone to deformation, while the butt welding flange can withstand higher pressure with higher coefficient

  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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