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45 degree tee

45 degree tee

Product description: A 45 degree tee is a special water pipe used for drainage pipes. Different from the general tee and cross, the 45 degree tee branch pipe is connected to the main pipe at a 45 degree...
TEL: +86-18303170017

A 45 degree tee is a special water pipe used for drainage pipes. Different from the general tee and cross, the 45 degree tee branch pipe is connected to the main pipe at a 45 degree angle. The function of the 45 degree tee is to prevent the residues in the pipe from silting up at the water pipe connection and blocking the water pipe

prev:WPB Tee
  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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